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Operations Management

We provide training and support to your staff and governing board, helping you develop best practices across executive management, finance, fundraising, and design and communications functions. We help you remain credible in your community and donors' eyes. And we can provide your organization with effective leadership during any management transition. 



From time to time, a nonprofit executive or a governing board is faced with leading its organization through a transition. Whether it be an unexpected or planned leadership change, SRG can help provide operations management expertise.


We understand best practices in managing nonprofit institutions.  We can execute your strategy, oversee operations, provide finance and accounting support, implement your annual fund program, and manage your campaigns. We are here to help organizations build and maintain strong leadership during a transition and lay a foundation for your future success.


Board of Directors have a fiduciary duty to ensure the assets of a nonprofit are used following donors' intent, and in support of the charitable mission. SRG provides a variety of financial supports to nonprofits.


We develop fiscal policies and procedures for nonprofits, clarify essential financial management activities, help build operating budgets, determine program costs, and provide cash flow analysis.


We design and implement fundraising initiatives to support your organization's annual, capital, and endowment activities.


We are available to help you select your fundraising and wealth screening software, update your development office's infrastructure, and provide management reporting tools to let you know how your efforts are truly performing. Whether you need interim services or additional support for your team, SRG is here to help.

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